Took the 4x5 film camera out for a test

August 03, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I took the 4x5 large format film camera out for a test drive today.  Needed to test it and the light meter to make sure everything is working before I use it for fall color pictures in September.   Now to send the film off to the lab for processing!

Here is a view of what I was taking a picture of today.  O'Haver lake, Colorado


Here is what it looks like taking the picture.  4x5 cameras show the image upside down and backwards.  Takes some time to get use to seeing the world like that. :)

What is your fashion style?

July 08, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

What are your perfect looks for senior pictures?  Do you create style boards to get ideas?  I threw a few things together that show my general style.

My style

My style by biteofcat featuring a mini dress


Few more from the Florence High School senior portrait session

July 06, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

High School Senior PortraitHigh School Senior PortraitHight School Senior Portrat High School Senior PortraitHigh School Senior PortraitHight School Senior Portrat

4x5 large format camera

June 21, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I am stepping back to the past. Acquired a 4x5 film camera today(the kind Ansel Adams used). I haven't used one since the late 1990's in photo school. Time to dig deep in the memory on how to use it! Should be something fun to mess around with.

New portable studio lights for high school senior pictures

June 09, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Had my father build a portable dolly system for my studio lights so I can be more mobile. I saw one another photographer made and sells to the public, but after seeing it in person it really didn't fit exactly what I was looking for.  So I told my father the basics of what I was looking for and it turned out great.  See below for a picture of it with my niece and nephew(assistants).  Also attaching a picture I took of a local Florence High School senior using it.


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