Still processing creative images

November 30, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I am still processing all the images I took of musician Tomb Throne. I am having so much fun with these as I have to say having no rules really allows the creativity to flow.  I forgot back in my darkroom printing days I use to do really high contrast images, so I tried to do a few of those with these images.  I also worked on a few more composite images including the first image below.  I shot that background image about 2 months ago while out looking for fall colors. 

Creative shoot

November 18, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

This last weekend I worked on some more creative images of Mike aka Tomb Throne. Having fun getting back in touch with doing more creative lighting which I did many years ago but haven't been working on till recently.   The second one was a composite image that was shot on a white background and then cut out and placed on an abandoned mine image I took a few months back.

Studio Band Pictures

November 07, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Today's post is one that traces back to the start of my photography journey. I went to photography school with the plan of doing band promotional photos for cd covers, posters and so on.  After I graduated from photo school I moved out to Los Angeles where all the bands are.  Well I learned pretty quick that most bands didn't have money and back then it was really hard to work for free due to the costs involved with buying film and having it processed and printed.  Going in the hole for most shoots wasn't ideal. 

So I ended up deciding if I was going to work for free I was going to work on experimenting and trying out all kinds of different things with lighting and such.  This lead to some of my most creative work and helped me figure out my photographic style.  If you want to see some of that journey check out the personal work section of my website.

Fast forward to present day where I decided for fun I would shoot a local band.  I had 4 hours of time in a local studio that I could use so I invited the members of Goatsilk to stop in.  Had a blast taking pictures of them and I ended up making one into a composite image.  Recognize this background image I used on a previous practice composite image!?!? 

Studio time on Friday night

November 01, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

It is funny, all I seem to shoot here in Colorado is outdoor portraits but when I lived in Hollywood, California all I did was shoot in a studio.  I had a chance to do some studio work again on Friday and it was a nice change of pace from all the outdoor shoots.  Each have pros and cons and I do enjoy both.

Had a great time shooting a model and one local band.  Below are two images of Tyra and I will have to show you the band ones another day as they have to make a line up change announcement before I get to post.

Fall Portrait in Canon City

October 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Took some pictures of Laci on Sunday in Canon City. I really enjoy taking pictures during this time of the year due to all the fall colors.

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