I dig gemstones!

January 06, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

So another thing you will find me doing when I have free time is digging for gemstones here in Colorado.  Anyone watch the show Prospectors on The Weather Channel?  That will give you a basic idea of what I do. 

I belong to two different local geology clubs so I go on digging field trips.  I just started a crystallography class which is super hard but I am hoping to learn some new things about how crystals are formed.  I will be starting a gemstone faceting class in a few weeks where I will learn how to cut gem stones for making jewelery.

My father, mother, 2 nephews and 1 niece all usually go digging as well so it is some quality family outdoor time.

What kind of things are you into or what are your hobbies?

Below are a few random pictures I have taken over the summer.

Digging out amethyst in Canon City area

Some of the amethyst finds getting cleaned.  These are currently in the rock tumbler getting polished up.

Below is the hole where I am digging for black smoky quartz crystals.  That is my mother in the background.

When is the last time you printed family pictures?

December 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I have heard the current generation of kids are the most photographed with the least amount of actual prints.  I think I have to agree and admit I haven't done that good of a job printing out pictures I have taken of my niece and nephews. My mother has made comments here and there that she has no pictures of the kids so for her Christmas present this year I will be printing about 400 images for her.

Please don't forget to print the images you take as technology is always changing and what you have them stored on now might not be accessible in 10 years.  When I was in photo school and then graphic design school (10+ years ago) all my projects were put on zip disks.  That technology isn't really around anymore and I have no easy way to get them off there.   Cd's are already being replaced by USB as we speak and computers can cash.  Print, print and print!!! :)

Below are a few I am printing out of my niece and nephews.

Stock photo Sundays

November 23, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

If I am home on a Sunday afternoon one of my goals is to work some images for stock photography.  Stock photography is a good place for some of the images that were good but not the ones I sell.  Many times I will take a few different angels and such of an image and then pick the best one to print.  That doesn't mean the others aren't good they just weren't the perfect one.  Rather than have those other versions gathering dust on my hard drive I submit them to a stock photography site so they can be sold.

While out shooting I also take images that I think would be good for stock work, most I never intend to sell as big prints.  Some of these will be images that I can picture people using while they are writing an article about a certain subject such as the two bottom images being about hunting or camping.  The hammock could be about relaxing or getting back to nature.  

Guess stock photography is a good way to upcycle unused images!

Long time no post!

November 19, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

It has been a month since my last post but I have a good excuse.  My computer had a major problem when it tried to do the windows 8.1 update so I ended up having to have it reformatted.  It took weeks for all my image files to be downloaded from my online backup place. I think I might need to do some image housekeeping to cut my number of files down.  Have backed up your computer recently?!!?!?

I have been back to the same spot each year to take pictures of the Dallas Divide Mountains in Colorado(4 years ago I didn't know about the spot while I was in this location). This location is about 5 hours from where I live so it is always an adventure and a weekend vacation of sorts for me.

I still haven't nailed the shot I want! 2012 missed the fall colors and a snow storm was coming in so too many clouds. 2013 had the snow but no clouds. 2014 had the clouds but no sunrise color and no snow on the mountains. Still trying for snow on the mountains great color in sunrise with clouds and perfect aspens.  Landscape photography isn't easy! 

What are the odds?

October 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Had a print order this week from my etsy.com page that was on the unusual side compared to the normal orders.  Could you tell the location of where the image below was taken? 

The only clue in the listing was Wetmore, Colorado.  The person who ordered the print lives in Texas and she asked if this was taken on a specific road and creek.  She was correct on her guess and she said that was her parents horse!  I took the image about 2-3 years ago while out taking real estate pictures.  I happened to go across this bridge on the way back from taking pictures of a home and I decided to snap a quick picture of this horse by the creek. 

What are the odds of someone knowing exactly where this was with what little info is shown in the picture!?!?!? 

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