Tested photo location

March 23, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Tested a possible photo location this weekend. I had this spot picked out for a more empty desert type look.  I am going to give this location a so-so as it wasn't as versatile as I usually like for variety in images from one location.  I also waited too long to get out of the car and get set-up so the sun was already down.  I had planned to take some images on the road but by the time we finished with the sunset it was really too dark to see the road going into the distance.   Lesson learned is the sun goes down really fast when you don't want it to.  :)

Still working on designing banners and brochures for the craft show coming up.  Should make my deadline to get them off to the printing shop and back in time.

Craft show time is coming

February 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Signed up for the first craft show of the year which will be May 2 & 3 at the Canon City Blossom Festival.  In the past I sold soap and photography out of the same tent but this year I am only doing photography.  So that means time to redesign banners and samples for the booth.   I am in the very early stages of trying to figure out what the banners are going to look like. I will be promoting high school senior pictures this year as well as selling landscape photography.  Here is version one with no text added yet. 

So hard to narrow down which images to use!

Editing images from awhile back

February 14, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I was looking through some older picture folders to see if there were any gems I had overlooked.  I saw this infrared image that I never paid attention to when I first looked these over.  Going back and looking at images after time has passed can be very helpful!

Fashion shades of cool colors

February 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Winter shooting motivation

January 17, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I am having trouble motivating myself to take some winter pictures this year.  I know I need to get out there and take some new images but I just can't get myself to leave the comfort of my warm home to do it.

Winter pictures are always a challenge for a number of reasons but the cold is the main one.  I even picked up some snowshoes at the end of last season so I could move around better to take pictures.

Last year I took pictures in Steamboat Springs, Colorado(pic above).  This year I am thinking I might want to take some pictures of the ice climbing walls they have in Ouray, Colorado. I also love that entire part of Colorado and haven't really visited it in the winter.  Let's see if I can find the motivation to get out! :)


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